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library of walks print-03.jpg

screen still from archive walk#10 Istanbul

library of walks print-01.jpg

screen still from archive walk#18 Xinhui

library of walks print-02.jpg

screen still from archive walk#5 Weimar

Her Library of Walks

This project proposal aims to investigate and understand the nuanced dynamics of walking as a form of non-verbal communication and gendered identity expression. ​


Project co-sponsored by:

Frauenförderfonds Bauhaus University




Walking is an everyday activity often taken for granted. However, it can reveal much about a person's identity, including their physical, biological, emotional, geographical, and socio-cultural conditions. 'Her libary of walks' integrates theories and processes from various realms of artistic practice, using different traditional practices such as performance and rehearsal for a collaborative and research-based project. In trailing others, I find myself pondering the significance of walking with a biologically female body and what it means to mimic the walk of another, to empathize and learn these variations through bodily movement.


What does it mean to walk through life assuming different identities across diverse global landscapes? It raises a pertinent and much needed question about the reflective practice of walking to mimic the embodied experience of everyday walkers on the street, to thinking about walks as an alternative self expression.

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